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Join your local Kelly Mini Sports class for fun in basketball, cricket, dance, footy, rugby league, soccer and tennis!


Kids & Movement – the perfect combination!!

Our programs embody the elements of the EYLF Being, Belonging, Becoming to build your child’s confidence and sense of identity. Introducing sports and dance at an early age can develop your child’s gross and fine motor skills while fine-tuning their coordination in a fun and supportive environment.

By using this method to teach your kids each class, they develop the skills through play and are more likely to focus on the activities throughout the session and continue to play at home with you.

All Kelly Mini Sports programs are exclusively run indoors and are scheduled as 45minute sessions including warm-up and cool-down. Our Sporters learn through play in Basketball, Cricket, Footy, Soccer, Tennis and Rugby as we rotate each sport every fortnight. We promote a social and fun atmosphere that is non-competitive with an emphasis on teamwork and each teammate registered receives a Kelly Mini's pack (including team uniform).

Whether you’re looking for winter or summer sports or an introduction to dance for kids, our classes and activities will keep your toddlers and preschoolers active all year round!  


If you are intrested in becoming part of the Kelly Mini Sports team, complete our enquiry form and we will contact you within 24 hours.


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